Coaching Philosophy
I don’t have the answers, but I’ve got a lot of questions.
The purpose of coaching is to have a set aside space to identify goals, overcome obstacles, grow in confidence, and take action.
My role as a coach is to ask powerful questions, offer observations, and very rarely (if ever!) give advice.
You set the agenda, not me.
In every coaching session, the only thing I prepare for is active listening. This means I listen for the purpose of offering observations and asking questions about what you shared, not about what I think is “right” or a theory I think is “best.”
I practice active listening by paying attention to what is being shared, asking open-ended questions, and requesting clarification for the sake of remaining curious about how the words spoken connect to action and thought-patterns.
You’ll see me taking notes. I notice repeated words or phrases and jot down anything that stands out. This is part of my commitment to active listening, it helps me to pay attention to what you’re saying and where you’re leading the conversation.
Stephen Covey said it best: “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply.” My goal in every coaching session, group or individual, is to understand.
You know yourself better than anyone else does.
I believe that the individuals and groups that I coach know themselves better than I ever could. Duh, YOU are the one living your life… I’m not!
What I bring to the coaching relationship is a deep curiosity to understand what makes a person who they are and walk alongside as they navigate making confident forward movement.
I find using personality assessments (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, StrengthsFinder, Enneagram, etc.,) to be helpful tools for putting language to how a person or team operates. My goal is to identify new and useful language for how you operate, never to put a person in a box. (If this isn’t your thing, 100% ok).
Come, Holy Spirit.
My commitment to following Jesus is central to all parts of my life. I have experienced transformation through knowing Jesus and abiding by His Spirit, which empowers me to make bold and confident decisions (2 Timothy 1:7). And, I believe this same transformation and empowerment is on offer for everyone!
As shared throughout my entire coaching philosophy, coaching is about YOU. It’s not about my agenda or my framework of right and wrong. I will show up trusting YOU. I will show up honoring YOU. I will show up to listen and support YOU. I can do this because I have confidence that the Holy Spirit is the one that has transformed and empowered me, and that same Spirit works uniquely in each person!